Supercharge Your eCommerce with Synt

Automate personalized web push notifications to engage customers, recover lost sales, and boost your revenue effortlessly.

Recover Lost Sales

Cart Abandonment Notifications

Product Image
Don't Forget Your Items!
You left some items in your cart. Complete your purchase now.
Just now

Automatically send personalized reminders to customers who left items in their carts. Encourage them to return and complete their purchases, increasing your conversion rates and boosting sales.

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Increase Engagement

Personalized Product Recommendations

Send customized product suggestions to your customers based on their browsing and purchase history. Boost cross-selling and up-selling opportunities by showcasing items they are most likely to be interested in.

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Recommended Product Image
Customers Like You Loved This!
Check out this popular item that matches your interests.
Just now
Make a Great First Impression

Welcome Messaging

Welcome Image
Welcome to Our Store!
Thank you for subscribing. Here's a special offer just for you.
Just now

Send a warm welcome to new subscribers with a sequence of personalized notifications. Introduce your brand, showcase popular products, and start building a lasting relationship.

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Re-Engage Interested Customers

Browse Abandonment Messaging

Remind customers about the products they've shown interest in but didn't add to their cart. Encourage them to revisit and consider making a purchase.

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Product Image
Still Thinking?
The item you viewed is still available. Don't miss out!
5 mins ago
Reward Your Loyal Customers

Loyalty Rewards

Loyalty Rewards
Exclusive Reward for You!
Thank you for being a loyal customer. Enjoy 20% off your next purchase.
1 hour ago

Show appreciation to your repeat customers with exclusive offers and rewards. Strengthen customer loyalty and encourage continued engagement with your brand.

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Capitalize on Seasonal Trends

Seasonal Promotions

Engage your audience with timely promotions during holidays and seasonal events. Drive sales by offering special deals that resonate with your customers.

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Seasonal Promotion
Winter Sale is Here!
Up to 50% off on select items. Shop now and save big.
Create Urgency and Excitement

Flash Sale Announcements

Flash Sale
Hurry! Sale Ends Soon!
Get 30% off everything for the next 2 hours only.
10 mins ago

Alert your subscribers about limited-time offers and flash sales. Encourage quick action with time-sensitive deals to boost immediate sales.

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Keep Customers Informed

Product Restock Alerts

Notify customers when out-of-stock items become available again. Drive conversions by letting them know they can now purchase the products they wanted.

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Product Restock
Back in Stock!
The item you wanted is available again. Grab it before it's gone!
Ready to get started? Contact us