Powerful Sales-Boosting Features

Synt offers a suite of powerful features to automate your push notifications and engage your customers in a more personalized way.

Automated Notifications

Synt automatically sends push notifications based on your customers' browsing and purchasing behavior, helping you engage your customers even when they're not on your website.

Personalized Messaging

Synt allows you to personalize your push notifications based on your customers' preferences and behavior, making your messages more relevant and engaging.

Easy Integration

Synt is easy to integrate with your website and other tools, allowing you to start sending push notifications in minutes.

Real Time Analytics

Synt provides real-time analytics on your push notifications, allowing you to track their performance and optimize your messaging strategy.

On Demand Messaging

Synt allows you to send push notifications to your customers on demand, helping you reach them at the right time with the right message.

Advanced Reporting

Synt provides advanced reporting on your push notifications, allowing you to track their performance and optimize your messaging strategy.

Ready to get started? Contact us